Tag: vmware

Data quality scanning for RackTables

[[http://racktables.org/|RackTables]] is a wonderful, free tool for documenting datacenters. It’s very flexible and robust and versatile. However, it’s a manual documenting tool. So there has to be a person responsible for documentation that needs to actually **do** something. In our hectic IT world and especially with the ever-changing cloud infrastructures, documentation can quickly be out Read More

skd is released and gets an appliance

**skd**, a software I told you in [this blogpost](http://dennis.dieploegers.de/easy-ssh-public-key-distribution/) about, has now been released as version „1.0b“, being the first public release. The software is considered beta (thus the „b“-suffix) so all features have been included, but some errors still can occur. For easy deployment I wrapped up a virtual appliance in ova-format, which you Read More