Category: Allgemein

A note about syslog-ng embedded log paths and the final flag

I’ve just spent some hours on investigating why the hell syslog-ng would log to two files while one logpath had the „final“-flag set. To share this lesson learned with you: The final-flag doesn’t do anything to embedded log statements. If you’ve read the syslog-ng handbook carefully (unlike me), you will already know this. Only top-level Read More

Restoring Zimbra Blobs from lost+found

//**AAAARGHHH!**// After a pretty nasty working expansion of the raid system of our production Zimbra server, fsck went berserk on our ext3 filesystem and reported missing inode links in various places (say „15367“ inodes). „Thankfully“ only our hsm-storage was affected. HSM is Zimbra’s way of automatically moving old messages to a cheaper and slower storage. Read More

Creating a DHCP HA-cluster on Ubuntu

===== Basics ===== I’m currently fiddling around with high availability on Linux. I haven’t done this before, but a colleague of mine pointed me towards [[|Pacemaker]] together with [[|Corosync]] (to keep things short: corosync keeps the cluster nodes in sync and pacemaker stops/starts/monitors services on the nodes). I’d like to walk you through a fairly Read More

Universal (and working) method for handling keyboard shortcuts in Zimbra Zimlets

You may have read my previous ramblings about the theme of handling keyboard shortcuts im Zimbra Zimlets. To sum up: it’s not easy. But that’s not actually a Zimbra bug. It’s more of an architectural problem. You can imagine Zimbra’s shortcut handling as a set of layers. There is a default key handler. That is Read More

Handling keyboard shortcuts in Zimbra Zimlets – Revisited

**WARNING!** This method doesn’t work. Well, it works actually but disables all other shortcuts, so don’t do it. I’m currently working on finding a working method. I’ll keep you posted. This post is a followup of [this blog post]( The old post was based on Zimbra 6.x. We’re at 8.0.4 by the time of this Read More

Setting the default locale in Ubuntu

This is merely a reminder for me, as I always have to look it up, when I need it. Debian (and Ubuntu prior 10.04) had a nice way of selecting and generating system locales. I don’t know exactly why Ubuntu removed that in its latter versions, but „dpkg-reconfigure locales“ doesn’t allow you to select the Read More

Two Goodbyes and a Welcome back

I’ve said goodbye today. The first thing is lbows. Lbows is officially dead now. I canceled the website and removed the twitter account. The reason for this is that I’m not quite fond of PHP anymore for these kinds of things. I’m currently trying to get [[|Ladon]] back on to be able to serve backoffice Read More

Monitoring notifications using Twitter DMs

I recently had an outage of my mail service, which caused my delivery mailqueue to grow and grow. I was sick by the time and didn’t noticed that until two days later. The restart of the service caused my server to nearly drop dead delivering all the mail, checking for spam and viruses. Of course Read More

Rebuilding lbows in python with twisted

You remember //lbows//, right? Err… that PHP-based integration framework, that was– oh, forget it. Anyways, I got tired of it. I’m currently moving towards Python as I like the leanness and clear structure of it, although I have to say, that PHP’s currently got a far better SOAP server support (in the Zend framework). Nonetheless, Read More

Zimbra development path to 8.0

I’m currently busy migrating existing zimlets to Zimbra 8. Zimbra currently didn’t publish something regarding the development changes in their JavaScript-API, so I thought I’d share some. Here are the first things I’ve stumbled upon. ===== View handling ===== Zimbra introduced some kind of „view type“ and „view name“-distinction in Zimbra 8, so for example Read More

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