Easy puppet testing with Vagrant

We’re using Puppet to automate many tasks and – together with other components – allow continuous delivery.

However, testing puppet manifests, Hiera settings and installing puppet modules can be tedious – especially when you want to test on a clean system each time.

Announcing „puppetdev“, a Vagrant box for easily doing those things:

  • Install puppet modules using r10k (even from private git repositories)
  • Run puppet apply
  • Use Hiera to build up your puppet configuration

And using Vagrant, you can simply destroy and rebuild your testing machine in seconds.

To use it, simply run

vagrant init dploeger/puppetdev-ubuntu

to generate a basic Vagrantfile based on the ubuntu box. Then, create a directory called „puppet“ and put a „site.pp“ in there.

Currently, puppetdev 0.1.0 in Ubuntu flavor or Debian flavor and Puppet 3.8 is available for beta testing. See the official documentation for more infos.

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