Building a Zimbra Server Extension using Maven
I’m currently working on a project for a customer involving several parts for Zimbra (well, whaddya know?) – one is a server extension. And I’d like to have the features, Maven brings in my workflow. The problem is, that Zimbra isn’t really made to be used in Maven. The components you need to create server
Zimbra Server debugging
When you’re dealing with Zimbra Server Extensions, you occasionally have to have insight into what Zimbra’s actually doing with your code. So you need a way of remote debugging your extension. As I found out now, it’s pretty simple to achieve that. In your development Zimbra server as the Zimbra user go to /opt/zimbra/conf and copy
Creating Zimbra Server Extensions Quickstart
I’m currently investigating on how to create a Zimbra server extension. In case you didn’t know already, Zimbra is a great groupware system, that can easily replace your Microsoft Exchange server. More about Zimbra can be found here: [[]]. What I’m thinking about is a Zimbra server handler, that can communicate with backend ERP systems