New website
Well… You know, I’ve always been an advocate for the wonderful Dokuwiki and used it as a CMS for my website. However, I found, that my website’s mostly about the blog and all other pages are constantly outdated. So I removed them and only kept the welcome page, the imprint (which I have to hosting
Two Goodbyes and a Welcome back
I’ve said goodbye today. The first thing is lbows. Lbows is officially dead now. I canceled the website and removed the twitter account. The reason for this is that I’m not quite fond of PHP anymore for these kinds of things. I’m currently trying to get [[|Ladon]] back on to be able to serve backoffice
DHCP Commit Reporting
We have a rather large DHCP-Setup here consisting of several subnets, ranges, groups and such. Additionally we’re using static assignments here with hosts not within any configured range. Yeah, I know, that’s not DHCP in its pure form, get over it. However, as we redesigned the complete setup with a fresh new and optimized configuration
Announcing the Dokuwiki Survey Plugin
A fellow asked the other day, wether Dokuwiki supports surveys. He was thinking of a way to guide our firstlevel to a series of questions to either solve a user problem or get enough information for second level. I told him, that I didn’t know it and looked in the [[|massive Dokuwiki plugin directory]]. But
Three and a half options for Twitter to earn money
As Twitter, inc. doesn’t seem to get their heads around this topic themselves, let me take over and give them some options to gain some money for hosting Twitter. As all the stuff on my website is licensed under [[|CC-SA 3.0]] they don’t even have to pay royalty fees to me if they want to
From Joomla to Dokuwiki
I have some old sites running on Joomla below the magical 1.5 release. That’s sad, I know. And insecure and all. I know. Last week I started checking out the options to migrate to 1.5 and was **horrified**. What? Update to the latest 1.0-version from old, unknown sources, because Joomla doesn’t offer 1.0-versions officially anymore?
SSH public key distribution with dokuwiki and lbows
That’s an interesting title, eh? You wonder „ssh public key distribution“ with **dokuwiki**? Yes. Keep reading. **Task**: Create a simple and lean SSH key distribution solution for multiple linux-servers. Do this quick and don’t spend much time doing it. **Why**: We need a simple solution to distribute ssh public keys of people allowed to access
A bulletin board using dokuwiki
No, wait. There’s nothing finished here. The idea has just been on my mind for years, so I thought, I probably just write it down for me or others to develop at some point. The basic question is: Can I use dokuwiki as a bulletin board/forum system? If I’m using dokuwiki for –well, virtually anything,