Making Puppet host reports in Foreman available in Grafana
Where I work, we use Puppet to manage our growing infrastructure of Linux machines and Loki together with Grafana to analyse log files.
When the Puppet agent runs on a host it creates something called a „Puppet config report“ which includes all steps taken by the Puppet agent to ensure the required configuration as specified in the Puppet catalog for that host. In our case, these reports are then sent back to Foreman as we’re using that on the Puppet server as a frontend.
To analyse these files better, we wanted to push these reports to Loki. Thing is, they are stored in the Foreman database in several tables (as good database design goes).
Here’s a small script to turn those reports into files which in turn can be scraped by Promtail or the likes to get them to Loki and analyse them using Grafana assuming you’re using PostgreSQL as your Foreman database:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Get report ids from today
REPORT_IDS=$(echo "select from reports r where date_trunc('day', r.reported_at) = date_trunc('day', now())" | su - postgres -c "psql -A -t foreman")
REPORT_FILENAME=$(echo "select || '-' || to_char(r.reported_at,'YYYY-MM-DD\"T\"HH24:MI:SS') || '.log' from reports r join hosts h on where${REPORT_ID}" | su - postgres -c "psql -A -t foreman")
cat <<EOT | su - postgres -c "psql -A -t foreman" > "${REPORT_FILENAME}"
WITH levels (id,level) as (values (2, 'notice'))
SELECT r.created_at || ' ' || '[' || levels.level || '] ' || || ' ' || s.value || ' ' || m.value
FROM messages m
JOIN logs l on
JOIN sources s on
JOIN levels on
JOIN reports r on l.report_id =
JOIN hosts h on = r.host_id
WHERE report_id=${REPORT_ID}
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