The road to Zimbra 8.5
I’m currently migrating my 8.0.6 (yes, I skipped the 8.0.7 for no apparent reason!) setup to the current 8.5 and these are some notes about the changes I found:
===== Systems administrators =====
* The localconfig-variable „postfix_virtual_alias_maps“ (that allows you to alter the postfix setting „virtual_alias_maps“) doesn’t exist anymore and was moved into the main configuration as the attribute „zimbraMtaVirtualAliasMaps“
* Zimbra has compiled Postfix without Berkeley-DB-Support and so the „hash“-dictionary type is not available anymore. It can safely be replaced with „texthash“. So if you customize your postfix installation, you need to alter the dictionary type.
* When you were accustomed to changing parameters in Jetty’s * and restarting zmmailboxdctl, you’ll have no luck in 8.5. You’ll have to restart zmconfigdctl first to have the changes take effect.
===== Developers =====
* The ZmHtmlEditorColorPicker is gone. However, you can safely use DwtButtonColorPicker instead
* The zimlet-method „getMailCellStyle“ isn’t called anymore (there’s a note about providing a better method in the sources) see
* The class „DwtHtmlEditor“ is gone. Zimbra uses its own „ZmHtmlEditor“. Constants like DwtHtmlEditor.HTML are now in Dwt (Dwt.HTML)
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